For Entry into Bodgey Bagel's Caption Contest Week 16
Leave your Caption for the Photo in the comments.
All entries must be in before Wednesday 21st February
(Please note back to each week)
the President of the PalestinianNational Authority.
Caption away! Leave your entries in the comments section
before Wednesday 21st February.
May the best caption win!
The Winner of Last 'weeks' Contest No 15: (14th Feb)
The 15th Bodgey Bagel Caption Contest winner is.....Drum Roll
[Click Read More to...]
1st Place: These is ridiculous, we have to get up earlier and beat dad into the bathroom! [ elliot ]
2rd Place: Man, they need to wake Pauxatawny Phil up more than once a year. [ dennis ]
=3rd Place: "Al Gore farted again."
"...but we din't get a Global WarNing." [Rodney Dill ]
=3rd Place: The Space Hedgehogs explore a planet curiously like earth. However, they keep on their rebreathers until the tricorder tells them that the atmosphere is safe to breathe. [ chsw10605 ]
4th Place: Children Phlatuent Phil, Pauxatawny's long lost cousin. [Rodney Dill ]
Honorable Mentions:
HM: gevalt! that's how we looked in that first Gulf War! [ muse ]
Bagel's Dishonourable Mention: I'm sick of working at this dumb Uranium Hexafluoride Plant, tell Mahmoud he can brush clean his own centrifuge tubes [BB]
As for comments last week if there are prizes, I'm quite willing to do any future winner a small graphic banner, I'm working on getting some real prizes. The problem is varying locations ..BagelbloggerMany Thanks for your entries! Bagelblogger
Other blogs with Caption Contests:
Outside the Beltway has Fellow Commuter be my Valentine has Skeleton Hug
Willisms has Hillary mooning
Commonwealth Conservative
Bullwinkle Blog has Holy Smokes!
The Right Place has has their weekly Contest
Bravozulu has has their weekly Contest
The Gone Rick Motel has The Dixie Grammy Caption
Cowboy Blob has has their weekly Contest
SgtStryker has has their weekly Contest
Wizbang Blog has their weekly Contest
If you want to add your caption contest just ask..
With Thanks to all those that entered - Bagelblogger. : Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest 14 * Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest * Funny * Humor * Laugh * Captions Contest * Jew * Australia * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger
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