Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest Week 24

This contest is Over go Here for the latest:

The 'Almost Famous'
Bodgey Bagels
Caption Contest

Number 24
Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest
will now always be available from:

Or see the caption link in the Mr Bagel Menu.

This Week's Prize:
1,000 offspring of the characters featured.
(*conditions apply)

Take note of New deadline Mondays!

** All entries must be in before Mondayday 4th June **

... Caption away for the free 1,000 rodents!
Leave your entries in the comments section
before Monday 4th June.
Take Note of New weekly Monday Deadline

[If your caption is not in English,
Please leave a translation of text]

May the best caption win!

The Winner of the Last Contest No 23: (28th May) is...

The 23th 'almost famous' Bodgey Bagel
Weekly Photo Caption contest winner.

The 23th Bodgey Bagel Caption Contest winner is.....Drum Roll

1st Place:"Want cheap gas?... Pull my Finger." [ Rodney Dill]
2nd Place: "Aaaagghh! OMG - What a great show - Metallica rocks!" [ Ator]
3rd Place:I am so happy - there are no Jews here! [ Rafi G]
4thPlace: "Who was my favorite M.A.S.H. character? Corporal Klinger, of course!" [Wyatt Earp]
Honorable Mentions:
HM:Sorry... Only one of us is wearing a "speacial" vest [Dennis]
Bagel's Dishonourable Mention: ...After the viagra I was this big, like a camel I swear.... [BB]
Thanks for your great entries! Bagelblogger

Other blogs with Caption Contests:
Outside the Beltway has their weekly contest
Wizbang Blog has their weekly Contest
The Gone Rick Motel has their weekly Contest
Rightpundits.com has their weekly Contest
Willisms has their weekly Contest
Bullwinkle Blog has their weekly Contest
The Right Place has has their weekly Contest
Cowboy Blob has has their weekly Contest
Bravozulu has their weekly Contest
Support your Local Gun Dealer [New addition] has their weekly contest
SgtStryker has their weekly Contest

If you want to add your caption contest just ask..

With Thanks to all those that entered
Mr Bagel
Technorati: * * * * * * Jew * Australia * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest Week 23

This contest is Over go Here for the latest:

The 'Almost Famous'
Bodgey Bagels
Caption Contest

Number 23

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest
will now always be available from:


see the caption link in the top menu

This Week's Prize:
Two Weeks all expenses paid holiday to Gaza
[Condition of acceptance is to wear a I love Abbas Tshirt
whilst delivering Pizza to Ismail Haniyeh

Take note of New deadline Mondays!
[Seems Weekends are for Captions!]

** All entries must be in before Monday 28th May **

... Caption away for the free Two Weeks
all expenses paid holiday to Gaza
Leave your entries in the comments section
before Monday 28th May.
Take Note of New weekly Before Monday Deadline

[If your caption is not in English, Please leave a translation of text]

May the best caption win!

The Winner of the Last Contest No 22: (21st May)

The 22th 'almost famous' Bodgey Bagel
Weekly Photo Caption contest winner.

The 22th Bodgey Bagel Caption Contest winner is.....Drum Roll

1st Place: teamwork is everything. Thanks for the distraction ducklings... [Rafi G ]
2nd Place: The plot was finally hatched.[ Rodney Dill ]
3rd Place:"A peck to the right key, her right hand moves out, a peck to the down key, she crouches..these human toys are remarkable! Are you having fun ducklings?" [ frumhouse]
4thPlace: "Hey kids! Check the ass on this one!" [Ator]
Honorable Mentions:
HM: In order to pay insurance claims, the Aflac duck has resorted to picking purses with his ducklings helping [ Thomas Forsyth]

Bagel's Dishonourable Mention: They weren't called the green bill sucker duck for nothing [BB ]
Thanks for your great entries! Bagelblogger

Other blogs with Caption Contests:
Outside the Beltway has their weekly contest
Wizbang Blog has their weekly Contest
The Gone Rick Motel has their weekly Contest
Rightpundits.com has their weekly Contest
Willisms has their weekly Contest
Bullwinkle Blog has their weekly Contest
The Right Place has has their weekly Contest
Cowboy Blob has has their weekly Contest
Bravozulu has their weekly Contest
Support your Local Gun Dealer [New addition] has their weekly contest

If you want to add your caption contest just ask..

With Thanks to all those that entered
Mr Bagel
Technorati: * * * * * * Jew * Australia * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger


Monday, May 14, 2007

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest Week 22

This contest is Over go Here for the latest:

The 'Almost Famous'
Bodgey Bagels
Caption Contest

Number 22

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest
will now always be available from:


see the link at the top of the posting
in the top section

This Week's Prize:
Acknowledgment of guru caption status!!

Take note of New deadline Mondays!
[seems the week end is caption time!]

** All entries must be in before Monday 21st May **

... Caption away ...
Leave your entries in the comments section
before Monday 21stMay.
Take Note of New weekly Before Monday Deadline

[If your caption is not in English, Please leave a translation of text]

May the best caption win!

The Winner of the Last Contest No 21: (11th May)

The 21th 'almost famous' Bodgey Bagel
Weekly Photo Caption contest winner.

The 21th Bodgey Bagel Caption Contest winner is.....Drum Roll

1st Place: 1. Get a room!! Rafi G ]
2nd Place: Going at it like a coupla cinematic squirrels.
John! - Marsha! -JOHN! - MARRRRSHA!
[Music swells] [Fade to Black][Roll Credits] [ Cowboy Blob ] (You had to see see last weeks comment by CB to see why this is funny)
3rd Place: Ehud is such a MAN! [ Rafi G ]
4thPlace: Livini gives Olmert a nice big hug to size up what size knife to use. [Mike ]
Honorable Mentions:
HM: This gives new meaning to "sucking face" [ Dennis ]
HM: It appears to be a hig of greeting, but in truth they will begin theri plotting to fight to the death later [Thomas Forsyth ]
Bagel's Dishonourable Mention: [ Seems the apprentice has learnt: "Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer" (quotation from Sun-tzu ) [BB]
Thanks for your great entries! Bagelblogger

Other blogs with Caption Contests:
Outside the Beltway has their weekly contest
Wizbang Blog has their weekly Contest
The Gone Rick Motel has their weekly Contest
Rightpundits.com has their weekly Contest
Willisms has their weekly Contest
Bullwinkle Blog has their weekly Contest
The Right Place has has their weekly Contest
Cowboy Blob has has their weekly Contest
Bravozulu has their weekly Contest
Support your Local Gun Dealer has their weekly contest

If you want to add your caption contest just ask..

With Thanks to all those that entered
Mr Bagel
Technorati: * * * * * * Jew * Australia * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger


Friday, May 4, 2007

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest Week 21

This contest is Over go Here for the latest:

The 'Almost Famous'
Bodgey Bagels
Caption Contest

Number 21

Bodgey Bagels Caption Contest
will now always be available from:


see the link at the top of the posting
in the top section

Take note of New deadline Fridays!

** All entries must be in before Friday 11th May **

... Caption away, make sure you read the others
there were some good captions this week!
Leave your entries in the comments section
before Friday 11th May.
Take Note of New weekly Friday Deadline

[If your caption is not in English,
Please leave a translation of text]

May the best caption win!

The Winner of the Last Contest No 20: (4th May)

The 20th 'almost famous' Bodgey Bagel
Weekly Photo Caption contest winner.

The 20th Bodgey Bagel Caption Contest winner is.....Drum Roll

Dang! 5 good captions, you guys make it hard!

=1st Place: cardiac arrest!! [Rafi G]
=1st Place: Gimme back my Nuts!!!![ Dennis ]
2nd Place: "You are getting sleepy..very, very sleepy. When you awake you will think that you are a human.. now sleep and when I count to 3..." [ Lemon Lime Moon]
=3rdPlace: John! - Marsha! -JOHN! - MARRRRSHA!
[Music swells] [Fade to Black][Roll Credits] [Cowboy Blob]
=3rd: "I am your father"[ Rodney Dill ]

Any one of these captions was good enough to win!

Bagel's Dishonourable Mention: ...Then the cat came round the corner and I went Boo!, Stop it Roger your making me laugh to much! [BB]
Thanks for your great entries! Bagelblogger

Other blogs with Caption Contests:
Outside the Beltway has their weekly contest
Wizbang Blog has their weekly Contest
The Gone Rick Motel has their weekly Contest
Rightpundits.com has their weekly Contest
Willisms has their weekly Contest
Bullwinkle Blog has their weekly Contest
The Right Place has has their weekly Contest
Cowboy Blob has has their weekly Contest
Bravozulu has their weekly Contest
Support your Local Gun Dealer [New addition] has their weekly contest
SgtStryker has their weekly Contest

If you want to add your caption contest just ask..

With Thanks to all those that entered
Mr Bagel
Technorati: * * * * * * Jew * Australia * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger


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